Tales of South series holds short stories of my solo motorcycle ride throughout the southern India. Though my personal experiences, it's not really about me, it's about SOUTH India, its kind people, unique culture, customs, beliefs, food and biodiversity. Through this series, you will have a glimpse of how unique is this region in India as well as in the entire world. Preface to 'An act of kindness' It's been little more than 270 km since I started from Hyderabad with a tiny halt near the roaring Krishna river. I was completely wet as it was raining most of my journey. Due to the heavy rain from the last few days, the water bodies in or around southern Andhra were either full or overflowing by causing a flood-like situation. Many lower lands even suffered from floods. An act of kindness I was riding high, slicing the air, grasping the chill. Just crossed Kurnool district of the state Andhra-Pradesh and rolling somewhere on the Kurnool - Ongol highway. My body was a...